Before touring the world and playing on foreign stages, A Rocket to the Moon started in Santino's bedroom years ago when he posted original songs on the internet. But the electro-tinged sonic music shifted into a matured sound and released a full-length album On Your Side--a collection of catching upbeat pop music which they only recorded in just seventeen short days.
Although the bands songs are based on personal experiences, they are cautious not to make the songs too literal so that each listener can create his or her own unique interpretation. Santino explains that the beauty of writing songs is being able to make up stories and to write from other people's point of view.
The band sees to it that they have an intact relationship with their fans by posting several video blogs online that feature their everyday lives and tours. Santino even personally mailed out copies of his debut EP to fans who supported him when the band was just starting out.
From Santino's bedroom at his parents' house, the band sky-rocketed to stardom and toured has with equally talented bands such as Cobra Starship, Boys Like Girls, All Time Low and NeverShoutNever; and has played music fests like the Vans Warped Tour, Bamboozle and LIV5.
Santino has never actually intended for A Rocket to the Moon to get this far, however fame is destined for the band.
"It's been an amazing ride so far and I can't wait to see what happens next," Santino says.
Writer's Black recommends you to listen to these tracks: "Like We Used to", "Dakota", "When I'm Gone", "Mr. Right" and "Baby Blue Eyes".And watch the band's videos:
"Like We Used to"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US46cHVj0 M&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=ALHTd1VmZQRNpVRbBHCzxVuogBsxJV0UIG
"Mr. Right"
"If Only They Knew"
For more of A Rocket to the Moon visit the band's page: http://www.arockettothemoon.net/
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